Wednesday, January 18, 2012

A cold but sunny Wednesday afternoon

Spent all last night researching munchausen syndrome by proxy. The case studies and court reports I read about really sickened me. I've seen stories about it on the various cop shows and hospital dramas I have watched in the past, but never thought much of it until I decided to write about it. Women abusing their innocent children, making them terribly ill with the sole intent of getting attention for themselves. My stomach was in knots and I was close to tears. Most of the cases involved babies and toddlers, unable to speak up for themselves and tell the doctors what was actually wrong. I didn't realize before now just how often that sort of thing happens. The people who abuse children like that should be put under whatever prison they're sentenced to. I pray that the part of my book (if it ever gets published) will raise awareness about this type of abuse among the readers. During my research, I was astonished to find out just how often it happens.
  On a slightly different note, I am still studying about various poisons. I still can't find one that has the effects I am looking for. I read about arsenic, lead poisoning, radiation poisoning (can't use this one, character is not employed where anything radioactive would be readily available), cyanide, mercury, and atrazine (herbicide) just to name a few. The child that is being poisoned in the story, is a 12 year old boy. I need something(s) that will make him ill enough to become gradually worse over the period of about a year, and cause him to be hospitalized for several months. All of this, of course, without killing him. I need the poison, or poisons, to be easily attainable and easy to disguise in food or drink in small amounts. I guess I have my work cut out for me. I see plenty of reading and google searches in my future.

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